I am currently accepting commissions for custom work! I specialize in portraiture, both from live sittings and photographs, landscapes, and still life. I'm always open to other projects if they align with my work as an artist. If you would like to inquire about custom work please fill out the form below and I'll be in touch!

Commission Gallery

Custom Work Pricing
Commissions are priced per square inch, a custom-made primed linen panel, painted with oil and sealed off with varnish. The process may take 2-6 months or more as it varies due to the complexity of the subject and the number of subjects in the painting.
​8x10- $800
9x12 - $1,000
11x14 - $1,300
12x16 - $1,500
16x20 - $1,900
​18x24 - $2,400
20x24 - $2,600
22x28 - $3,000
24x30 - $3,600
24x36 - $4,400
24x48 - $5,200
30x40 - $5,500
30x48 - $6,200
36x48 - $7,800
40x48 - $8,400
48x48 - $9,600
48x60 - $11,500
60x60 - $15,000
60x72 - $17,000